Основатели Crypto Exchange Bitmex признали себя виновными в нарушении закона о банковской тайне

The founders of cryptocurrency derivatives exchange Bitmex, Arthur Hayes and Benjamin Delo, have pled guilty to violations of the U.S. Закон о банковской тайне. “As a result of its willful failure to implement AML and KYC programs, Bitmex was in effect a

Bitmex приобретает немецкий банк для создания «регулируемой криптовалютной электростанции» в Европе

Crypto exchange Bitmex is acquiring a German bank to createa regulated crypto powerhouse.The company plans to establisha one-stop shop for regulated crypto products in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.Bitmex Plans to Become a Regulated Crypto Powerhouse Cryptocurrency exchange